I read 150 books this year.

Holy shit.
Every year I compile a whole bunch of book stats, and I did so for this record-breaking year, too. I thought it might be interesting to share with you guys! Below, I’ve listed some of the numbers I found interesting, my book superlatives for 2022, my full top 30 books (because with that many read, how could I limit myself to 10?), and my top 10 favorite short stories of the year.
Interesting Stats
Of my 150 books read…
- I read 148 seperate titles (yeah, I reread Blue Lily, Lily Blue twice, don’t @ me)
- 9 were books I’d read before
- only 19 were 2022 releases
- similarly, only 19 were more than 10 years old
- I gave out 54 five-star ratings. That’s more five stars than books I read in all of 2020!
- I also gave 68 books four stars, 21 three stars, and 3 two stars. I didn’t give anything one star, and I decided not to rate two books
- per Goodreads, my average rating was a 4.2
- I read the most in October (23 books) and the least in January (5 books). I averaged 12.5 books/month, or 1 book every 2.5 days
- my most-read genre was Fantasy (85 books), followed by Science Fiction (43 books).
- I also read a decent chunk of Horror (29), Contemporary (27), and Historical Fiction (22). Don’t worry about the math–I often cross-list books in multiple genres
- I read 2 whole nonfiction books!
- in terms of format, I read mostly regular-ass novels, but I did read 4 picture books, 6 graphic novels, 33 novellas, and 27 volumes of short fiction
- I track a few kinds of representation in my reading. Keeping in mind that what I decide “counts” as rep is super subjective and arbitrary, I read 14 Jewish books and 52 queer books this year.
- I also read 9 Sherlock Holmes retellings, 8 books about spooky houses, and 5 books that could be called Dark Academia
- I mostly read physical books (96), but also a decent chunk of audiobooks (41) and a few eBooks (11)
- I read 15 books under 100 pages and 4 books over 500 pages. The rest were, like, normal page counts.
- 37 of my books had been on my Goodreads tbr for over a year. 40 I added in 2021, and 61 either I added this year or they were just never on my tbr (not counting rereads)
- 2/3 of the books were by authors I’d read from before, 1/3 by authors who were new to me.
- My most-read author demographic is white women. This is always true, but I did read 60 books by non-white authors, more than ever before!
Questions adapted from youtuber Booksandlala’s list
- Longest: Jade City at 560 pages
- Shortest: The Lottery at 30 pages
- Most Widely-Read: Dracula at over a million readers
- Most Obscure: Bewildered at 4 readers
- Favorite 2021 release: A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers
- Favorite older title (5+ years): Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie
- Lived up to the hype: Harrow the freaking Ninth
- Didn’t live up to the hype: History is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera
- Biggest reading accomplishment: I mean. 150 books.
- Favorite couple/ship: Beatrice and Ianthe from The Midnight Bargain
- Favorite character: Elliot Schafer [In Other Lands] is a bitch and I like him so much
- Least favorite character: Meyer Landsman from The Yiddish Policeman’s Union. If anyone else had been the narrator I probably would have loved that book.
- Most surprising moment: In Raybearer, when Tarisai [REDACTED] Dayo right after he [REDACTED] (if you know you know)
- Best prose: Piranesi by Susanna Clarke and A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki (tied)
- Book you’ll be recommending: Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata
- Favorite newly discovered author: Annalee Newitz
- Favorite cover: For All Time by Shanna Miles
- Favorite sequel: It’s already on the list, but I can’t lie to you. It’s Harrow the Ninth again.
- Favorite short story: “Neilah” by Hannah Moskowitz
- Made you cry: The Mathematician’s Shiva by Stuart Rojstaczer
- Made you laugh: The Falling in Love Montage by Ciara Smyth
- Favorite reread: All Systems Red by Martha Wells
- Most surprising 5 star: A Study in Charlotte. I expected this book to be sugary and middle-grade-y. It was not. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not grimdark or anything, but it went way harder than I expected.
- Least fav overall: Alchemy by Marie S. Crosswell >:(
Top 30 Books*
- The Seep by Chana Porter
- In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan
- The Raven Tower by Ann Leckie
- Harrow the Ninth/Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
- A Spindle Splintered/A Mirror Mended by Alix Harrow
- Bunny by Mona Awad
- Future of Another Timeline by Annalee Newitz
- A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro
- Burning Girls and Other Stories by Veronica Schanoes
- Lakewood by Megan Giddings
- Catherine House by Elizabeth Thomas
- The Tea Master and the Detective by Aliette de Bodard
- Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko
- The Falling in Love Montage by Ciara Smyth
- Firebreak by Nicole Kornher-Stace
- The Midnight Bargain by C L Polk
- We Are Satellites by Sarah Pinsker
- Wild Beauty by A M McLemore
- A Psalm for the Wild Built/A Prayer for the Crown Shy by Becky Chambers
- Victories Greater Than Death by Charlie Jane Anders
- A Cathedral of Myth and Bone by Kat Howard
- Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata
- Resist Fascism ed. Bart Lieb and Kay Holt
- Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie
- Piranesi by Susannah Clarke
- Spear by Nicole Griffin
- The Dark Fantastic by Ebony Elizabeth Thomas
- Ring Shout by P Djèlí Clark
- Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
- Greywaren by Maggie Stiefvater
*not counting rereads; series all go on one line together
Top 10 Short Stories
- “Neilah” by Hannah Moskowitz in It’s A Whole Spiel
- “Ballroom Blitz” by Veronica Schanoes in Burning Girls
- “The Resident” by Carmen Maria Machado in Her Body and Other Parties
- “Once, Future” by Kat Howard in A Cathedral of Myth and Bone
- “Bread and Milk and Salt” by Sarah Gailey in Robots Vs Fairies
- “Inventory” by Carmen Maria Machado in Her Body and Other Parties
- “Among the Thorns” by Veronica Schanoes in Burning Girls
- “Frequently Asked Questions About the Portals at Frank’s Late-Night Starlite Drive-In” by Kristen Koopman in It Gets Even Better
- “Midwestern Girl is Tired of Appearing in Your Short Stories” by Gwen E Kirby in Shit Cassandra Saw
- “Guess” by Meg Elison in Tiny Nightmares
What were your favorite books of the year? Did we read anything in common? Drop me a comment, I’d love to know!